Friday, August 25, 2006


I'm not the best at updating this thing, and I don't know why. But here it is. Craig and I have been just trying to get plugged into our "new" church. We joined Cook Baptist Church a couple of weeks ago, and we have also joined the choir. It's pretty neat, because our music minister is a guy that my dad sang in a group called "The Shades of Light". This was like back in the 70's. Brother Dave's wife was also one of my dad's best friends growing up and now Craig and I are having the opportunity of getting to know them but also their children that are around mine and Craig's age.

We have also started a seminary extension course through the Concord Union Baptist Association. It meets once a week on Tuesday nights and we are studying ISaiah. Man, you think you are familiar with the Word of God, but taking a class like this really opens your eyes to see how much more there is to learn and even how scripture applies to today's world.

Well, nothing much is really going on here in the city of Ruston. I need to get going. We have our Choir "Christmas" party tonight and I am hopefully going to get to talk to a lady about a J-O-B today! Whoa!

Hope all is well with everyone that reads! Let us hear from you! And Becky - the Abner family has made the Rush refrigerator! I loved my snail mail and be looking for some in return! Take care!

Monday, August 07, 2006

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Sunday Afternoons

Craig and I have found a new Sunday afternoon hobby. . .
going to the park and reading.
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