This week has been a really long, at least it seems. It started out by heading out the Quick Care after work on Monday only to find that what I thought was allergies and congestion, is really Bronchitis! Oh the joy of coughing and hacking. . . So 2 shots later, working on a Z-Pack and wonderful supped up cough medicine for nighttime, I am slowing getting better. Attempted to play some tennis last night but didn't do much due to not feeling too good.
That brings us to Wednesday, my wonderful 3 year wedding anniversary! Oh the memories that flood my mind to where we were 3 years ago today! Such joy and bliss. An old pastor friend of mine called yesterday to wish congrats and to remind me "that if the bride would have been any happier they would have had to nail her to the ground!" And the bride is still happy to this day, I am happy to report.
But one of the sad moments of the day is that my great aunt Reeta Gayle passed away today. She has been ALZ since October. This disease can hit slow and long or it can hit hard and fast. Hard and fast is how it went for Reeta Gayle. It's all sort of been a whirl wind to say the least. One minute she was fine and the next she was talking out of her mind and completely gone. She could remember who I was and Craig, but she couldn't remember that since I am married that means I can't date anyone else. This past Friday night she fell and hit her head and has since been in and out of consciousness. Our family all sort of thought the end of her life was nearing but nobody really wanting to admit it or face reality. Such sweet sorrow. Hate to see her go home to the Lord, but glad to know she is not suffering any longer. The pain comes from those it leaves behind. My grandmother is now the only living Tullos left. Oh how I know Mimi Dot will miss her dear sweet sister, but at the same time is at peace with knowing life can resume after being detoured since October.
Special memories of Reeta. . . Smart as a whip. She was a physical therapist and loved her career. Smart with her money, and crafty with her hands. She could take a block of wood and whittle it into a beautiful masterpiece. I am very happy to say that I have a carving that is suppose to be me as a ballerina and one of peter pan flying. The last piece she carved was the Fleur De Lis that is on my dad's front door. What a true symbolism of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, which for believers, is the last resting place. Reeta was never boastful in her faith, but solid in her being. When she first became sick she also resorted back to the cross. She was say, let me tell you about the cross. . . And continue on and on. This for me is and was the first time I remember talking to Reeta about the cross. I believe she was at peace in her relationship with the Lord. I believe she is dancing in heaven with B.A., her brother, and they are staring down to see Mimi Dot and the rest of us. And I know that one day, I too, will be able to join in the rejoicing and singing of the heavenly Father.