April tends to be the month that "new years" start over. Taxes are complete, year in reviews at work take place, the new fiscal calendars occur. . . You get the picture right?!?! Well, today as we were on our way to the park, I asked Craig "what's our family's motto for the year?" (This sort of conversation tends to be a continuous topic amongst our 4 walls so the nature of the conversation didn't catch him off guard but the relativity of it did!).
Quick recap for those who may not know us. We are a young family that sold just about everything (or at least it felt like it) and moved to the DFW areA almost 2 years ago for the hubs to further his education at Dallas Theological Seminary. With that we have also added another child to the mix, we serve as our apt community's CARES team, Craig is a college intern, and I am a clinical Dental Hygiene instructor for Concorde Career College. Whew! That's a mouth load oh and did I mention we have a 2 almost 3 yr old and a 5 month :).
So, back to our conversation. One of the many things The Lord shows us is that we have to simplify! Easier said than done. Especially when all our "jobs" are good Godly things, are required to put food on the table and pay bills, and more than that we have commitments to and we see proof of the gospel being fulfilled! We haven't determined a conclusion and may not be anytime soon, but what I do know is that The Lord is faithful and just and that when we seek Him we will find Him and when we ask according to His will He is faithful to answer in His timing. And that He will provide for all our NEEDS and he continues to prove Himself in doing this.
To sum it up, what we did decide is that a life, a family, a corporation, a church, a anything that is doing life without a purpose, without a plan, or without a mission will seek to do all good things but may continue to run in circles never fully being simplified on this journey we call life!
I leave with you with food for thought, "What's your years motto?" I would love to hear what everyone has to say.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Friday, April 12, 2013
I can't even begin to express how the past 5 months have flown by.
EG just turned 5 months old. Sweet girl is cutting her 2 lower teeth, I could give you teeth numbers but I'll save you from the dental geek inside me and save myself in the process.
Craig is in the heat of spring semester which entails Greek 104 with Only 1 more to go! Hebrew will be starting this summer.
E is growing up by the seconds. I can't en begin to wrap my mind around the fact that he will be 3 this summer. He is still ever so in love with trucks, cars,and trains and if you dare to get rid of one he will remind you of it's exact details and where it should be. The memory on that boy.
I have been working like a mad woman, but loving every minute of it. We have had the blessing of an in house nanny for the past four months. Without her I'm not too sure my world would have functioned. And with that being said, we learned this week that she will be leaving us in May to start on a new adventure that will be an experience of a lifetime. She will be joining the Mickey Mouse team for a 6 month to year long internship. What fun!!! We wish Maggie the best and know that Disney has a great thing a coming.
Without boring you with all the sobering in depth details of the last four months let me just end this post with some fun pictures that I have happen to catch in the midst of life! Enjoy.

EG and her cereal for the 2nd time.

Dr. Seuss is beComing a favorite in our home.

Easter at Leigh-Leigh's

Fun mud splashing with Dub. Boys will be boys, especially with Papa T.

While the boys played in mud, the girls showed their tummy time skills.

Here's an after of E!

My Easter bunnies!!

This picture I will cherish for a lifetime. This is my papa Russell, who just a month ago we weren't sure he would live to see another day. And Praise The Lord, here he is Easter 2013 holding my sweet EG. I have a picture of he and I like this when I was about her age. Precious moments that will last a lifetime.

This is Mimi Wilma with 2 of her great granddaughters, EG and Lyla. This is my brothers daughter who is just about 2 months younger than EG. Sweet friends I pray they will become.

E and my uncle Dale at the stockyards in Fort Worth. We have had the pleasure of Pappy coming to play a lot lately and have enjoyed some fun outings in the process. Pappy and E met Dale (pappy's brother) at te stockyards and did the whole shebang.

And last but certainly not least, Zsa Zsa on Easter with her two girls, EG & Lyla
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad
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