Monday, December 06, 2010
Monday, September 20, 2010
Joy comes in the morning
As we speak, I am sitting in my chair drinking my coffee, holding my son, and pondering over the events that have taken place in Rushworld just the past 7 1/2 weeks.
It all really started November 2009 when Craig and I knelt before the Lord and surrendered our lifes to Him and His ways. Over the past 8 years I have had a strong desire to serve the Lord fully and ready to go and do just that. Craig on the other hand was not at the same point as I was. He wad not up for full time ministry. Not until he had tried all over avenues and finally decided that running from the Lords calling on his life was not working. After surrendering we discovered that we would be having a child. I quite my full time job for a part time position and better work environment. Craig began exploring opportunities of seminary and trying to figure out if that would play out through online or moving to Dallas. We started serving in college ministry at our church and discovered that even within western civ ministry there are plently of opporunities for cross cultural ministry. (which is what we like). Months after starting with college ministry we began to sense the Lord leading us to serving Him fully with college ministry. Much prayer, time, & talking has been hashed and rehashed. And 7 1/2 weeks after little Elliott arrives Craig starts his first day as the Christ Community College Pastor. Ready to hit the ground running we are super excited about the new journey we have begun and we look forward to what's in store. The life we can now give Elliott is just that more enriched with Godly influence, wisdom, and knowledge.
So leave you with a sweet reminder that the Lord is faithful, here is a picture of my sweet child. Zonked out after a morning walk.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
It all really started November 2009 when Craig and I knelt before the Lord and surrendered our lifes to Him and His ways. Over the past 8 years I have had a strong desire to serve the Lord fully and ready to go and do just that. Craig on the other hand was not at the same point as I was. He wad not up for full time ministry. Not until he had tried all over avenues and finally decided that running from the Lords calling on his life was not working. After surrendering we discovered that we would be having a child. I quite my full time job for a part time position and better work environment. Craig began exploring opportunities of seminary and trying to figure out if that would play out through online or moving to Dallas. We started serving in college ministry at our church and discovered that even within western civ ministry there are plently of opporunities for cross cultural ministry. (which is what we like). Months after starting with college ministry we began to sense the Lord leading us to serving Him fully with college ministry. Much prayer, time, & talking has been hashed and rehashed. And 7 1/2 weeks after little Elliott arrives Craig starts his first day as the Christ Community College Pastor. Ready to hit the ground running we are super excited about the new journey we have begun and we look forward to what's in store. The life we can now give Elliott is just that more enriched with Godly influence, wisdom, and knowledge.
So leave you with a sweet reminder that the Lord is faithful, here is a picture of my sweet child. Zonked out after a morning walk.
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010, 9 lbs 2 oz, 22 in. long, 11:53am
Baby Elliott made his grand debut. After my water breaking Wednesday around 4:30, he finally arrived Thursday a little before noon. We arrived at the hospital around 5:30 Wednesday evening and were admitted. Contractions were not starting on their own, so at midnight I was started on a pit drip. Everything went smoothly. In fact I made the comment that I was a little bored and was very glad I had packed the computer, ipod, and my cell phone charger. Craig set the laptop up on the bedside tray and was making sure my cell phone battery didn't die. I think he charged it like 2 or 3 times within the night. I was a texting fool! Not so much as talking but texting like crazy. Contractions were intense but not unbearable. Around 6 am, I finally decided that I needed to sleep and had an epidural. My contractions were lasting a minute and half long and occuring every 2 minutes, so what that means is, 20 seconds to be able to breathe. Not much at all. After epidural was placed I rolled over and slept for 3 hours, woke up and not long after I was ready to push. My right side was not numb so I could feel exactly when it was time to push, and so we did. 3 times and out popped baby Elliott! Easy as pie, I would have another one tomorrow. I am so thankful for the easy labor and delivery, but not at all surprised by it. This is something that Craig and I had started to pray about even before we discovered that baby Elliott would be joining us. The Lord answered and gave us the desires of our hearts. Here are a couple of pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!
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Elliott Thomas Rush 3 weeks old |
Monday, July 19, 2010
Maternity Pictures
Here's a quick link to our Maternity pictures that were taken by a great friend of ours. Thanks Crystal for capturing our memories and helping to enjoy in our upcoming little boy's life!!!
Click on the link it should take you straight to them. Remember to sign the guest book!
Click on the link it should take you straight to them. Remember to sign the guest book!
Friday, July 16, 2010
Elliott Update
So things have started to progress since the last time I posted on the blog. We went to the Dr. yesterday and I am almost 2 cm dilated and still around 40% effaced. Elliott is definitely taking his time to make his debut. But I guess I have to be thankful, he will be here soon enough and then the fun will really begin. The nursery is in order. The last few items needed have been ordered and shipped already. Just waiting on them to make it to my door. This waiting game is not my cup of tea, nor do I tend to do it to well!! Guess the Lord tries to teach us lessons any and every way possible!
Last weekend my friend, Crystal Garcia, was in town and took my maternity pics. She has posted some on her facebook page and has tagged both Craig and I so you can find them on either one of our sites. I must say, they are ADORABLE!! But you know I really didn't think they wouldn't be. She is such a talented photographer and has an eye for things. The next thing to photograph is my little man. Another friend that also works with Crystal will be taking Elliott's 1st year pics! I am super excited to see what Jamie has in store.
I am now a 2 day a week dental hygienist and loving it! Even though right now there are moments where I am a little anxious with what seems like nothing to do, I know that in a few short weeks this will change. After taking a maternity leave, I will return 2 days a week. This is going to be so good for me and for my guys. I won't drive Craig crazy, less temptation to spend money, and some Bethany time with real Adult Conversations!!! Plus I will continue to see all of my patients that I so dearly love and look forward to being a part of their lives. And who could leave out, my girls at work! When I say that I absolutely miss this 4 women when I am not there, I mean I do. I wonder what in the world is going on in their worlds and with their families. The Lord has really put together a neat group of working women for us to lean on and do life with. Thanks Jennifer, Paige, Angela, and Donna for doing life with me. And allowing me to do life with you. It is a blessing to serve the patients of our practice on a daily basis and not only meet their dental needs but to also have the privilege of doing our best to meet their spiritual needs as well. The Lord has blessed us beyond believe. I pray we continue to seek His face, submit ourselves daily to His will, and continue to serve in ways that He lays out for us to serve!
Anywho, my stomach is growling, it's almost 11:30am and I am in my pj's still, need to get my botty off the dance floor and take a shower. Sundown for lunch with the Bodie's Crew! Oh how I look forward to some good Sundown food! Happy Friday Ya'll. Til next time, keep it real and keep living for Him!
Last weekend my friend, Crystal Garcia, was in town and took my maternity pics. She has posted some on her facebook page and has tagged both Craig and I so you can find them on either one of our sites. I must say, they are ADORABLE!! But you know I really didn't think they wouldn't be. She is such a talented photographer and has an eye for things. The next thing to photograph is my little man. Another friend that also works with Crystal will be taking Elliott's 1st year pics! I am super excited to see what Jamie has in store.
I am now a 2 day a week dental hygienist and loving it! Even though right now there are moments where I am a little anxious with what seems like nothing to do, I know that in a few short weeks this will change. After taking a maternity leave, I will return 2 days a week. This is going to be so good for me and for my guys. I won't drive Craig crazy, less temptation to spend money, and some Bethany time with real Adult Conversations!!! Plus I will continue to see all of my patients that I so dearly love and look forward to being a part of their lives. And who could leave out, my girls at work! When I say that I absolutely miss this 4 women when I am not there, I mean I do. I wonder what in the world is going on in their worlds and with their families. The Lord has really put together a neat group of working women for us to lean on and do life with. Thanks Jennifer, Paige, Angela, and Donna for doing life with me. And allowing me to do life with you. It is a blessing to serve the patients of our practice on a daily basis and not only meet their dental needs but to also have the privilege of doing our best to meet their spiritual needs as well. The Lord has blessed us beyond believe. I pray we continue to seek His face, submit ourselves daily to His will, and continue to serve in ways that He lays out for us to serve!
Anywho, my stomach is growling, it's almost 11:30am and I am in my pj's still, need to get my botty off the dance floor and take a shower. Sundown for lunch with the Bodie's Crew! Oh how I look forward to some good Sundown food! Happy Friday Ya'll. Til next time, keep it real and keep living for Him!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Elliott's Nursery
Monday, May 24, 2010
Extreme measures
Ok. So I think I have blogged more since adding this ap to my iPhone than I ever had. Not much to write about. Just typing out thoughts and convos that have been occuring at our home lately. The most recent one is what extreme measures do we take in our walk with the Lord? Are we picking up our crosses and carrying them daily. Do we put as much emphasis on our relationship with the Lord as we do say our relationship with the computer, tv, or even our spouse. At the Rush household we are in deep prayer about what extreme measures we can take. I'll keep you posted on what we decide. But what will you do in order to take the next level with the Lord?
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Another year down
Today closes another year and tomorrow begins another one. That is in the timeline of life. Celebrating the big 2-9. It's hard to believe that we are already half through 2010 and even harder to believe that Elliott will be here in less than 13 weeks. Before we ever discovered that we were having a baby Craig made the comment that 2010 was going to be a big year. I do believe he was correct. Even with just an addition to the family that makes for a big year. So. Anywho. Here's to 29 and enjoying the rest of what the Lord has planned for the Rush household.
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- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
Friday, April 23, 2010
Ever wonder how many uses for a household product you can come up with?
Ok. So the title is long. But have you ever thought about how many uses you can come up with for vinager. My friend introduced this idea to me. So after trying vin and water to remove soap scum from the bathtub I thought I would google it. So one website I cane across had 1001 uses listed. Let me know what you think and I will post a link to this later. I think I have found my new nontoxic cleaning agent. Plus it's cheap as can be. Happy Friday yall.
-- Post From My iPhone
-- Post From My iPhone
Sunday, April 18, 2010
Man how time flies!
While visiting a friend this weekend for her birthday, I was reminded that I have not been very faithful in blogging!! And man, has there been lots to occur since the last time I did. Here's the run down on what all the end of 2009 held and what 2010 is holding currently. . .
July 2009: Robertson-Rush-Harris Family Vacation
All 11, yes you read it right, of us boggied our way down to see Dan in Sarasota, FL. Payton & his crew, Jed, BK & Craig, Dad, Ruth, Anna, and Jordan. We crammed this crew into a 2 bedroom condo on the beach, little tight, but oh so enjoyable. . . I do believe this is by far the greatest memory our blended family can say that any of us has ever experienced. From enjoying the weekly drum circle at the public beach access, to Big kids night out on the town!!! Too bad Dan has recently sold all his belongings and up and moved to New York!!! Yes Sir, he has fallen in love, at least we think, and moved to New York to be closer to Kim. One we hope to have the pleasure of meeting sooner rather than later! I guess this means family vaca's will be taken up northeast to visit Dan! I kind of like the sounds of that. Not spent much time along that path!
Anywho, so that was a busy month, and the rest of the summer is a blur. I (BK) spent lots of days at the RCC (ruston country club) pool with my friend Meredith and Craig, when not working, spent much time on the golf course. My best friend Dana, whom lives in Memphis, married Jan 8 201o, so the later months of 2009 were spent planning and preparing for this grand event. December 2009 is where life becomes exciting for this Rush household.
After trying for a couple of years to add to the family tree, Craig and I discovered on December 12th that this dream and desire would be coming a reality. That's right ladies and gents, Craig and I are going to be PARENTS!!!! Our first addition is due to arrive somewhere around August 4th!! I think this is probably old news to most everyone by now, seeing how I am 6 months and close to the end!!! But Elliott Thomas Rush is a miracle in the making. From Sept - Nov 2009, we went through prelimenary stages of fretility treatments, praying this would give us the answers we were looking for. . . little did we realize that everything was okay with both of us, but just a matter of the Lord having our hearts in the right place.
Last fall a dear lady friend from church gave me a book by the name of Super Natural Childbirth. This book is about a family's journey through experiencing no children to the Lord's soverinty in their life and praying His Word over her body and battling spiritual warfare. On Oct 13, 2009, I sat down with my journal and prayed a prayer I will never forget. I was specific with the Lord of what I wanted, praying over my body to get in line and work accordily, and that conception would occur that cycle. When I returned for blood work on Nov 2nd, the fertility specialist told me that none of the treatment had worked and to go home and let us know when the next cycle started so we could go on with more intense treatment. I mark it on the calendar that I am thankful I never had to return for more intense tx. Elliott was conceived just 3 days after seeing the Dr. With no medical tx, and all of the Lord's doing.
Reason I mentioned that we believe the Lord was waiting for our hearts to be the right place, is because just 2 weeks before discovering that Elliott was on the way, Craig surrendered to the Lord for serving Him fully. This is something that both he and I have felt the Lord calling us to for several months, just were not sure how it would pan out and what all it entailed. We have since discovered that our heart is for evangilism, we have the gift and ability to connect and do life with anyone and everyone. . . no matter what the race, religion or cultural background. . . and we have a major heart for those of other nationalities!
So, I think this gets us up to speed. Oh wait, in the midst of discovering Elliott was coming, traveling to Dana's for her wedding, I was offered a part time job with Paige Volentine, DDS. Yet another really cool story and an answer to prayer!!! This will allow me to stay at home with Elliott and work part time to keep my hands in people's mouths!!! So, all my former patients, that I so dearly love and miss seeing your smiling faces, you can now find me at PAIGE VOLENTINE, DDS!!! And yes we are always accepting new patients and even kids!!!
Will post pictures soon!! Love to all, and until next time, good morning, good evening, and good night!!!
July 2009: Robertson-Rush-Harris Family Vacation
All 11, yes you read it right, of us boggied our way down to see Dan in Sarasota, FL. Payton & his crew, Jed, BK & Craig, Dad, Ruth, Anna, and Jordan. We crammed this crew into a 2 bedroom condo on the beach, little tight, but oh so enjoyable. . . I do believe this is by far the greatest memory our blended family can say that any of us has ever experienced. From enjoying the weekly drum circle at the public beach access, to Big kids night out on the town!!! Too bad Dan has recently sold all his belongings and up and moved to New York!!! Yes Sir, he has fallen in love, at least we think, and moved to New York to be closer to Kim. One we hope to have the pleasure of meeting sooner rather than later! I guess this means family vaca's will be taken up northeast to visit Dan! I kind of like the sounds of that. Not spent much time along that path!
Anywho, so that was a busy month, and the rest of the summer is a blur. I (BK) spent lots of days at the RCC (ruston country club) pool with my friend Meredith and Craig, when not working, spent much time on the golf course. My best friend Dana, whom lives in Memphis, married Jan 8 201o, so the later months of 2009 were spent planning and preparing for this grand event. December 2009 is where life becomes exciting for this Rush household.
After trying for a couple of years to add to the family tree, Craig and I discovered on December 12th that this dream and desire would be coming a reality. That's right ladies and gents, Craig and I are going to be PARENTS!!!! Our first addition is due to arrive somewhere around August 4th!! I think this is probably old news to most everyone by now, seeing how I am 6 months and close to the end!!! But Elliott Thomas Rush is a miracle in the making. From Sept - Nov 2009, we went through prelimenary stages of fretility treatments, praying this would give us the answers we were looking for. . . little did we realize that everything was okay with both of us, but just a matter of the Lord having our hearts in the right place.
Last fall a dear lady friend from church gave me a book by the name of Super Natural Childbirth. This book is about a family's journey through experiencing no children to the Lord's soverinty in their life and praying His Word over her body and battling spiritual warfare. On Oct 13, 2009, I sat down with my journal and prayed a prayer I will never forget. I was specific with the Lord of what I wanted, praying over my body to get in line and work accordily, and that conception would occur that cycle. When I returned for blood work on Nov 2nd, the fertility specialist told me that none of the treatment had worked and to go home and let us know when the next cycle started so we could go on with more intense treatment. I mark it on the calendar that I am thankful I never had to return for more intense tx. Elliott was conceived just 3 days after seeing the Dr. With no medical tx, and all of the Lord's doing.
Reason I mentioned that we believe the Lord was waiting for our hearts to be the right place, is because just 2 weeks before discovering that Elliott was on the way, Craig surrendered to the Lord for serving Him fully. This is something that both he and I have felt the Lord calling us to for several months, just were not sure how it would pan out and what all it entailed. We have since discovered that our heart is for evangilism, we have the gift and ability to connect and do life with anyone and everyone. . . no matter what the race, religion or cultural background. . . and we have a major heart for those of other nationalities!
So, I think this gets us up to speed. Oh wait, in the midst of discovering Elliott was coming, traveling to Dana's for her wedding, I was offered a part time job with Paige Volentine, DDS. Yet another really cool story and an answer to prayer!!! This will allow me to stay at home with Elliott and work part time to keep my hands in people's mouths!!! So, all my former patients, that I so dearly love and miss seeing your smiling faces, you can now find me at PAIGE VOLENTINE, DDS!!! And yes we are always accepting new patients and even kids!!!
Will post pictures soon!! Love to all, and until next time, good morning, good evening, and good night!!!
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